David Burns is an environmental chemist with expertise in laboratory data audits, green chemistry, and industrial ecology. David is available to help business & professionals integrate sustainable supply chains and energy efficiency into service offerings. The following blog topics are intended to invoke awareness and/ or action in Going-Green. You are also invited to create a Free Whoisgreen business profile using the link above. David Burns is a NSC member of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
Doing More with Less is all about eliminating waste and increasing efficiency, most commonly applied in manufacturing, and resource intensive industries. Manufacturing industries employ systems known as LEAN or hybridised systems such as LEAN Six Sigma to identify and manage waste: supply chain, transport, processes, materials, over-production, over-engineering, time, energy, people, and facilities (ie. all aspects that provide no added benefit to the customer's experience and product function).
Resource Productivity has been defined by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) as doing the same (or better) service with fewer resources. That means no compromise or loss of performance. In fact, it often means better performance. For example, efficient buildings that conserve resources such as electricity by controlling draughts and lighting are more comfortable to occupy, more productive, and have lower operating expenses.
Resource Productivity includes all natural resources, also termed natural capital by Amory Lovins from RMI. Natural resources that are amenable to significant productivity gains include: minerals, coal, fish, trees, oil & gas, and water. Natural resources such as fish and trees require special attention as a consequence of these natural resources being definied as non-renewable.
Resource Productivity has become the new limiting factor for business & industry, replacing the skilled labour shortage problems of the past.Where labour productivity improvements were used to drive growth, it is expected that resource productivity will deliver the most profitable businesses in the future. Resource Productivity increases the value per unit of resource supplied or consummed, drive competition, reduce operating expenses, and better for the environment. Using more resources than necessary creates waste, often resulting in costly environmental damage that restricts access to land and water resources requiring expensive remediation. Inefficient consumption of natural resources wastse money, cuts profits, and costs jobs.
Most importantly, resource productivity extends the lifetime of natural resources without decreasing the value.