Links for tag 'sustainability'

The Kristina Keneally NSW Labor government will be remembered for their overly-generous gross feed-in-tariff, and then killing it 12 months later without any transition period, leaving homeowners and the solar industry in limbo. David Burns of Sustain450 advocates how residential solar can provide benefits for all stakeholders. Read more ...

This is the year for individuals, business, and governments to adopt sustainable strategies that mesh economics and environmental practices, to achieve outcomes that are easier and cheaper. Read how I have meshed both financial and green strategies that prove Amory Lovins quote,  'if it exists, it must be possible'.

Matthew Wright from Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) has a master-plan for Australia to become a zero carbon nation by 2020. Mathew Wright's master-plan includes the electrification of Australia's car fleets. Read how this will be achieved ...

Business understands the huge efforts required to achieve sustainability. If we trust the science, accept that climate change is real, and listen to the majority of economists that say that a carbon tax leading into an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the cheapest way to act, then...

New York: startup has today launched a unique online directory that will help consumers find sustainable businesses and green products. founder David Burns and KAYWEB Angels are inviting businesses and individuals to REGISTER ...

David Burns chosen by The Weston Group to lead sustainable design for the first purpose-built Industrial Ecology Park in Australia. Read more ...

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