RMI - Reinventing Fire
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RMI - Reinventing Fire

David Burns of Australia has been featured by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) as a National Solutions Council member, October 2012. The Rocky Mountain Institute is the world's leading organisation advancing design, super efficiency, affordability in renewables, and public information to help the world become sustainable.

The Rocky Mountain Institute's style is non-adversarial and trans-ideological, emphasizing integrative design, advanced technologies, and mindful markets. RMI employs 80+ scientists and technologists working extensively with the private sector, as well as with civil society and government, to create abundance by design and to apply the framework of natural capitalism.

Read why David Burns chose to join a group from the United States rather than the many local organisations existing in Australia - featured in RMI Outlet. Reinventing Fire is RMI's blueprint for the United States to define achievable pathways for running a 158%-bigger economy by 2050 without oil, no coal, and zero nuclear energy.

One day, RMI may consider opening national offices in key countries like Australia, China, and Germany.


David Burns is a Sustainability Advisor and Analyst, www.sustain450.com.au

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