Sustainability is NOT Green
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Sustainability is NOT Green

Sustainability is Blue, is the new Green



Sustainability is NOT Green. The problem with stereotyping sustainability as ‘just environmental issues' is that it is creating a biased awareness within the community and in the media that tends to overlook important cultural, social, and economic issues, which require equal consideration with the environment. The public becomes confused and begins to believe that sustainability only means climate change and rising sea levels, which is incorrect.

An emerging trend amongst leading sustainability corporates such as IBM, GE and Xerox is the transition from green to blue in an effort to rebalance the importance of all sustainable elements across their business platforms. So like IBM, if you are a new business wanting to embrace sustainability and looking for a catchy name and logo, think blue, not green, and learn more about sustainability to achieve stability and longevity. Initiate a discussion about sustainability with friends and work colleagues using the word blue as the symbol to establish conversation and debate - see where it takes you.


David Burns is a sustainability advisor and analyst, www.sustain450.com.au


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